Your credit card is charged by the Zendesk apps marketplace for the use of an app one month in advance. The number of agents you have at the time of billing is used to compute this amount.
With 20 agents and an app that costs $5 per agent per month, your bill will come to $100.
That being said, your bill also takes into account events from the preceding month. Your bill will be modified to reflect the increase, for instance, if you increased the number of agents you were using to 20 exactly halfway through the previous month, when you had just 10 at the beginning.
You will therefore be charged 10 * (half of 5) for the 10 agents who used the software for a half-month, or 10 * 2,5 = 25.
The total of your charge will then be $125 after adding this amount to the $100 for the upcoming month.
Adding and removing agents
The number of agents on your Zendesk account will determine how many agents you have automatically. The agent count will automatically adjust to reflect the number of agents that are included in those groups or roles if you have limited the app to only function for particular groups or roles. Your billing will be modified pro-rata in accordance with the preceding explanation and example when the number of agents in your account changes.
Every month at the time of your payment, we automatically send you an invoice. The email also includes a secure link that allows you to download your entire invoice history, update your credit card information, and designate additional recipients for the monthly email.
If you would only like to talk about your invoice email
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